1. Research

1. Zeroth \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-homology of smooth proper varieties

New York J. Math. 28 (2022), 824–834. arXiv: 2101.04951

We give an explicit formula for the zeroth \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-homology sheaf of a smooth proper variety. We also provide a simple proof of a theorem of Kahn-Sujatha which describes hom sets in the birational localization of the category of smooth varieties.

2. Steinberg symbols and reciprocity sheaves

Annals of K-Theory 7:4 (2022), 695–730. arXiv: 2108.04163

We study multilinear symbols on fields taking values in reciprocity sheaves. We prove that any such symbol satisfying natural axioms automatically has Steinberg-type relations, which is a manifestation of the geometry of modulus pairs lying behind.

3. A motivic construction of the de Rham-Witt complex (with H. Miyazaki)

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 228 (6), 107602. arXiv: 2301.05846

We generalize Kahn-Saito-Yamazaki’s theory of reciprocity sheaves over a field to noetherian base schemes. We also prove an afnalogue of the Hasse-Arf theorem for reciprocity sheaves. As an application, we provide a new construction of the de Rham-Witt complex via reciprocity sheaves.

4. Blow-up invariance of cohomology theories with modulus

Advances in Mathematics, Volume 458, Part B (2024), 109967. arXiv: 2306.14803

In this paper, we study cohomology theories of \(\mathbb{Q}\)-modulus pairs, which are pairs \((X,D)\) consisting of a scheme \(X\) and a \(\mathbb{Q}\)-divisor \(D\). Our main theorem provides a sufficient condition for such a cohomology theory to be invariant under blow-ups with centers contained in the divisor. This yields a short proof of the blow-up invariance of the Hodge cohomology with modulus proved by Kelly-Miyazaki. We also define the Witt vector cohomology with modulus using the Brylinski-Kato filtration and prove its blow-up invariance.

5. Quadratic residues and domino tilings (with Y. Kamio and T. Nakazawa)

Preprint. arXiv: 2311.13597

The formula for the number of domino tilings due to Kasteleyn and Temperley-Fisher is strikingly similar to Eisenstein’s formula for the Legendre symbol. We study the connection between these two concepts and prove a formula which expresses the Jacobi symbol in terms of domino tilings.

6. On iterated circumcenter sequences (with S. Kanda)

Preprint. arXiv: 2407.19767

An iterated circumcenter sequence (ICS) in dimension \(d\) is a sequence of points in \(\mathbb{R}^d\) where each point is the circumcenter of the preceding \(d+1\) points. The purpose of this paper is to completely determine the parameter space of ICSs and its subspace consisting of periodic ICSs. In particular, we prove Goddyn’s conjecture on periodic ICSs, which was independently proven recently by Ardanuy. We also prove the existence of a periodic ICS in any dimension.

7. Irreducibility of polynomials defining parabolic parameters of period 3 (with Y. Murakami, K. Sano, K. Takehira)

Preprint. arXiv: 2408.04850

Morton and Vivaldi defined the polynomials whose roots are parabolic parameters for a one-parameter family of polynomial maps. We call these polynomials delta factors. They conjectured that delta factors are irreducible for the family \(z\mapsto z^2+c\). One can easily show the irreducibility for periods 1 and 2 by reducing it to the irreducibility of cyclotomic polynomials. However, for periods 3 and beyond, this becomes a challenging problem. This paper proves the irreducibility of delta factors for the period 3 and demonstrates the existence of infinitely many irreducible delta factors for periods greater than 3.

8. A note on the Erdős conjecture about square packing (with J. Baek and T. Ueoro)

Preprint. arXiv: 2411.07274

Let \(f(n)\) denote the maximum total length of the sides of n squares packed inside a unit square. Erdős conjectured that \(f(k^2+1)=k\). We show that the conjecture is true if we assume that the sides of the squares are parallel to the sides of the unit square.

9. Isosceles trapezoids of unit area with vertices in sets of infinite planar measure

Preprint. arXiv: 2501.01914

Paul Erdős posed the question of whether every measurable planar set of infinite Lebesgue measure contains the four vertices of an isosceles trapezoid of unit area. In this paper, we provide an affirmative answer to this question. Additionally, we present affirmative solutions to similar questions by Erdős concerning isosceles triangles and right-angled triangles.